Block Shares

Block Shares
1583159 1583160 1583178 1583185 1583186 1583187 1583188 1583194 1583203 1583207 1583209 1583215 1583228 1583229 1583231 1583234 1583239 1583245 1583256 1583257
Expected 1925 2448 3409 3688 4118 4578 5084 4573 4125 4012 4218 3852 3060 3891 4757 5593 6079 6354 5458 6941
Actual 427 335 9915 14029 4818 1318 1145 9568 3720 1539 232 927 6604 32 2113 2923 11168 9009 7668 2826
Average 5452 5185 6103 5882 6088 5954 5468 4936 5162 4681 4662 4721 4390 2990 2720 2880 3883 3827 4222 4350

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,466,093 119293 119235 58 29,774.0314 221881665 231939014 104.53% 233380.53836925 3.44%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 8 8 0 28,946.5979 14473 10333 71.40% 5.00083328 0.08%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 30 30 0 20,138.5505 37760 31964 84.65% 18.75234179 0.07%
Last 12 Month 483,840 1768 1768 0 6,812.2085 752749 707720 94.02% 1367.2463666 0.37%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1583257 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:47:23 (UTC) 111,048.24 2.500000 6,941 2,826 40.71
1583256 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:41:02 (UTC) 87,330.25 2.500000 5,458 7,668 140.49
1583245 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:14:43 (UTC) 101,659.29 2.500000 6,354 9,009 141.78
1583239 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:04:34 (UTC) 97,266.55 2.500000 6,079 11,168 183.71
1583234 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:01:59 (UTC) 89,484.58 2.500000 5,593 2,923 52.26
1583231 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:01:17 (UTC) 76,114.30 2.500000 4,757 2,113 44.42
1583229 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:00:45 (UTC) 62,251.27 2.500000 3,891 32 0.82
1583228 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 09:00:43 (UTC) 48,955.35 2.500000 3,060 6,604 215.82
1583215 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:59:04 (UTC) 61,638.40 2.500000 3,852 927 24.07
1583209 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:58:50 (UTC) 67,487.46 2.500000 4,218 232 5.50
1583207 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:58:48 (UTC) 64,185.40 2.500000 4,012 1,539 38.36
1583203 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:58:28 (UTC) 66,006.36 2.500000 4,125 3,720 90.18
1583194 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:57:33 (UTC) 73,175.71 2.500000 4,573 9,568 209.23
1583188 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:55:17 (UTC) 81,341.30 2.500000 5,084 1,145 22.52
1583187 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:55:02 (UTC) 73,245.59 2.500000 4,578 1,318 28.79
1583186 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:54:45 (UTC) 65,894.96 2.500000 4,118 4,818 117.00
1583185 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:53:47 (UTC) 59,004.82 2.502000 3,688 14,029 380.40
1583178 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 08:47:32 (UTC) 54,545.36 2.500000 3,409 9,915 290.85
1583160 Confirmed lani 19/09 07:57:33 (UTC) 39,165.98 2.500000 2,448 335 13.68
1583159 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 07:57:13 (UTC) 30,800.63 2.500000 1,925 427 22.18
Totals 88,163 90,316 102.44
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.