Block Shares

Block Shares
4852390 4852615 4853713 4853747 4855299 4855647 4856923 4858256 4859015 4859965 4860294 4860754 4861431 4861649 4861813 4862461 4893888 4905042 4919417 4923323
Expected 1058 1170 99 120 2081 675 1350 864 1845 721 640 972 861 87 235 479 205 1160 606 767
Actual 614 230 1162 31 1528 353 1372 1407 812 1015 366 462 729 234 157 703 1247 402 900 51
Average 596 411 468 420 532 554 679 805 809 852 828 851 808 828 691 726 713 613 622 525

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,763,589 119506 119448 58 29,754.2664 222130476 232140172 104.51% 233537.82105968 3.18%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 1 1 0 12,269.2900 767 51 6.65% 0.625 0.01%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4 4 0 10,952.5604 2738 2600 94.96% 2.50159542 0.01%
Last 12 Month 483,840 594 594 0 11,980.1057 444761 381208 85.71% 395.45845662 0.12%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4923323 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 17:01:42 (UTC) 12,269.29 0.625000 767 51 6.65
4919417 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 23:43:02 (UTC) 9,700.78 0.626595 606 900 148.51
4905042 Confirmed anonymous 16/11 22:07:02 (UTC) 18,563.24 0.625000 1,160 402 34.66
4893888 Confirmed anonymous 09/11 04:50:55 (UTC) 3,276.94 0.625000 205 1,247 608.29
4862461 Confirmed jason247 18/10 07:32:17 (UTC) 7,664.21 0.625000 479 703 146.76
4861813 Confirmed jason247 17/10 20:33:46 (UTC) 3,755.63 0.625000 235 157 66.81
4861649 Confirmed jason247 17/10 18:03:02 (UTC) 1,392.55 0.625000 87 234 268.97
4861431 Confirmed jason247 17/10 14:12:16 (UTC) 13,778.96 0.625000 861 729 84.67
4860754 Confirmed jason247 17/10 02:40:20 (UTC) 15,557.46 0.626132 972 462 47.53
4860294 Confirmed jason247 16/10 19:15:03 (UTC) 10,241.37 0.625000 640 366 57.19
4859965 Confirmed jason247 16/10 13:24:09 (UTC) 11,529.47 0.625000 721 1,015 140.78
4859015 Confirmed jason247 15/10 21:17:36 (UTC) 29,517.62 0.625000 1,845 812 44.01
4858256 Confirmed jason247 15/10 08:25:33 (UTC) 13,822.51 0.625000 864 1,407 162.85
4856923 Confirmed jason247 14/10 09:56:57 (UTC) 21,600.00 0.625000 1,350 1,372 101.63
4855647 Confirmed jason247 13/10 12:51:07 (UTC) 10,805.57 0.625000 675 353 52.30
4855299 Confirmed jason247 13/10 07:18:56 (UTC) 33,303.11 0.625000 2,081 1,528 73.43
4853747 Confirmed jason247 12/10 05:24:37 (UTC) 1,927.11 0.625000 120 31 25.83
4853713 Confirmed jason247 12/10 04:51:28 (UTC) 1,580.33 0.653147 99 1,162 1,173.74
4852615 Confirmed jason247 11/10 10:18:50 (UTC) 18,721.18 0.625000 1,170 230 19.66
4852390 Confirmed jason247 11/10 06:39:59 (UTC) 16,934.60 0.625000 1,058 614 58.03
Totals 15,995 13,775 86.12
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.