Block Shares

Block Shares
1582525 1582547 1582551 1582552 1582553 1582554 1582555 1582557 1582560 1582564 1582569 1582572 1582573 1582583 1582584 1582706 1582709 1582714 1582738 1582794
Expected 593 1770 2001 2544 3235 4114 5231 6396 7519 8500 9239 10862 13812 12340 15691 3643 4153 3958 1699 681
Actual 3117 523 2383 697 817 899 873 1488 11238 5566 4564 4245 4937 9279 3436 20483 3908 7954 4171 1647
Average 5968 5727 5694 4893 4642 3565 3578 3350 2479 2760 2905 3277 3532 4391 4653 6611 6914 7561 6854 6462

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,465,772 119293 119235 58 29,774.0314 221881665 231939014 104.53% 233380.53836925 3.44%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 8 8 0 28,946.5979 14473 10333 71.40% 5.00083328 0.08%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 30 30 0 20,138.5505 37760 31964 84.65% 18.75234179 0.07%
Last 12 Month 483,840 1771 1771 0 6,811.1888 753913 708945 94.04% 1370.9963666 0.37%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1582794 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 03:14:48 (UTC) 10,902.65 2.500000 681 1,647 241.85
1582738 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 03:10:13 (UTC) 27,180.34 2.500000 1,699 4,171 245.50
1582714 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 02:43:50 (UTC) 63,333.56 2.500000 3,958 7,954 200.96
1582709 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 02:25:06 (UTC) 66,447.52 2.500000 4,153 3,908 94.10
1582706 Confirmed jason247 19/09 02:06:35 (UTC) 58,292.07 2.500000 3,643 20,483 562.26
1582584 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 00:53:12 (UTC) 251,055.91 2.501000 15,691 3,436 21.90
1582583 Confirmed anonymous 19/09 00:33:44 (UTC) 197,435.33 2.503000 12,340 9,279 75.19
1582573 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:59:23 (UTC) 220,993.42 2.500000 13,812 4,937 35.74
1582572 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:58:08 (UTC) 173,793.61 2.502000 10,862 4,245 39.08
1582569 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:57:01 (UTC) 147,827.38 2.500000 9,239 4,564 49.40
1582564 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:55:51 (UTC) 136,001.19 2.500000 8,500 5,566 65.48
1582560 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:54:26 (UTC) 120,308.74 2.500000 7,519 11,238 149.46
1582557 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:51:33 (UTC) 102,332.66 2.500000 6,396 1,488 23.26
1582555 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:51:11 (UTC) 83,695.18 2.500000 5,231 873 16.69
1582554 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:50:57 (UTC) 65,819.22 2.500000 4,114 899 21.85
1582553 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:50:44 (UTC) 51,760.77 2.500000 3,235 817 25.26
1582552 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:50:28 (UTC) 40,705.34 2.500000 2,544 697 27.40
1582551 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:49:47 (UTC) 32,011.37 2.500000 2,001 2,383 119.09
1582547 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:47:10 (UTC) 28,317.60 2.504000 1,770 523 29.55
1582525 Confirmed anonymous 18/09 23:42:39 (UTC) 9,487.01 2.500000 593 3,117 525.63
Totals 117,981 92,225 78.17
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.