Block Shares

Block Shares
1475017 1475019 1475021 1475022 1475024 1475026 1475121 1475129 1475144 1475147 1475149 1475151 1475154 1475155 1475156 1475162 1475164 1475175 1475302 1475304
Expected 8091 9893 12096 15381 18806 22994 969 1238 1590 1869 2285 2794 3285 4177 5312 5552 6788 5821 1907 2208
Actual 6641 18741 19295 1566 11044 2508 6794 3445 6784 2667 934 2829 4936 983 1146 10408 15225 2397 5296 3341
Average 4613 6321 8230 7286 7921 8091 8404 8666 9173 7949 7378 5787 4351 4292 3303 4093 4936 4831 4682 4750

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,469,526 119295 119237 58 29,773.8755 221884224 231942146 104.53% 233381.78836925 3.44%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 4 4 0 31,613.6452 7903 5876 74.35% 2.5 0.04%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 25 25 0 22,593.6871 35303 29088 82.40% 15.62734179 0.06%
Last 12 Month 483,840 1758 1758 0 6,798.8789 747027 704851 94.35% 1353.49379401 0.36%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1475304 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 07:21:58 (UTC) 35,330.96 2.500000 2,208 3,341 151.31
1475302 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 07:20:22 (UTC) 30,513.10 2.503000 1,907 5,296 277.71
1475175 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 06:14:42 (UTC) 93,132.57 2.500000 5,821 2,397 41.18
1475164 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 05:02:17 (UTC) 108,607.96 2.500000 6,788 15,225 224.29
1475162 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:54:39 (UTC) 88,825.73 2.500000 5,552 10,408 187.46
1475156 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:49:06 (UTC) 84,986.97 2.500000 5,312 1,146 21.57
1475155 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:48:34 (UTC) 66,834.24 2.500000 4,177 983 23.53
1475154 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:48:06 (UTC) 52,559.53 2.500000 3,285 4,936 150.26
1475151 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:45:32 (UTC) 44,706.43 2.500000 2,794 2,829 101.25
1475149 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:44:05 (UTC) 36,564.18 2.500000 2,285 934 40.88
1475147 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:43:37 (UTC) 29,904.83 2.500000 1,869 2,667 142.70
1475144 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:42:15 (UTC) 25,436.65 2.500000 1,590 6,784 426.67
1475129 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:38:39 (UTC) 19,807.14 2.500000 1,238 3,445 278.27
1475121 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 04:36:47 (UTC) 15,499.91 2.500000 969 6,794 701.14
1475026 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 02:15:50 (UTC) 367,906.01 2.500000 22,994 2,508 10.91
1475024 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 02:15:08 (UTC) 300,901.71 2.500000 18,806 11,044 58.73
1475022 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 02:11:53 (UTC) 246,100.45 2.500000 15,381 1,566 10.18
1475021 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 02:11:26 (UTC) 193,538.25 2.500000 12,096 19,295 159.52
1475019 Confirmed anonymous 12/07 02:05:50 (UTC) 158,290.39 2.500000 9,893 18,741 189.44
1475017 Confirmed weezilwood 12/07 02:00:21 (UTC) 129,462.00 2.500000 8,091 6,641 82.08
Totals 133,056 126,980 95.43
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.